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Petland Eastgate, Ohio
November 8, 2019
Young children are a bundle of fun and a bundle of energy. As they learn and explore more about the world around them, they’re happiest when doing so with a buddy. And who better to share exciting adventures with than a furry four-legged friend?
It can take a ton of energy and a lot of patience in order to spend lots of time with kids. They’re delightful and imaginative, but they don’t always understand boundaries or limits, and, it’s pretty difficult to wear them out. Luckily, there are several breeds have plenty of patience and a ton of energy that often perfectly matches the needs of little kids.
Of course, all dog personalities — no matter what the breed — can vary greatly. And plenty of dogs, especially those that come from rescue shelters, may have backgrounds that are either unknown or may not be conducive to hanging with little ones all the time. So be sure to take the time to get to know, train and understand the needs of your dog before you let them hang out with your kid. But many dogs who grow up with the children (and plenty of those who are introduced later to families) will gel immediately with their young human friends.
Here are some tips for introducing your new puppy to your young children.
~Set boundaries for your children — Since children can understand do’s and don’ts its best to start by setting a boundary with your little ones. Help them understand proper touch and the importance of using a calm voice when meeting a new puppy.
~Provide sufficient space — Your puppy won’t want to cornered when meeting your children so ensure that the setting is open so that your new puppy can wander free toward and away from your children
~Feed first — Hungry puppies are always nice. Take time to feed your puppy and don’t mix the introduction to your children with feeding time